Nauka o krajině pro studující geografie magisterských učitelských oborů

Title in English: Landscape studies for geography master´s degree students

The landscape science (LS) is a geographical discipline, which itself connects not only the knowledge of geographic sub-disciplines, but also applies the findings and knowledge of a number of other natural, social and technical sciences. Due to its synthetising charakter, it fits well the concept of geography as a science of spatial differentiation of the surrounding environment and spatio-temporal relations in it. The LS tries to describe these facts, interprets their causes and consequences. This discipline becomes to be useful for decision-making in the territory. With the respect to the complexity of the surrounding real world, this publication is limited to the interpretation of the most basic terms, concepts and problems which the science of landscape meets. Future geography teachers in primary schools are faced with the task of changing the current style of geography education just in terms of strengthening the comprehensive and synthesizing knowledge and skills of pupils. Mastery of the landscape science subject matter helps to understand the general background of the phenomena and processes in the landscape. There they can then make the appropriate decisions that can positively affect both the landscape quality and the quality of human life in it. The publication is therefore also proposing some practical tasks both in the landscape management and in the education in schools.

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  • Number of pages: 129
  • Dimensions: 21 × 30
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-6659-5