Navigátor: Úvod do umění nových médií

The New Media Art Navigator

The book is called The New Media Art Navigator because it offers an associative guide to the ever-changing space of technologically conditioned art. The sheer speed of the development of science and art technologies does not predestine this topic to encyclopedic processing. The first three chapters of the book examine the medium in art, the terminology of new media and the beginnings of audio-vision. The following four chapters explore the general concepts of time, space, body, and code within the technologies used in the art of new media. On such conceptual axes, the Navigator focuses on forms and examples of new media art. Here you will find associative connections between specific works of video art, sound art, performance, interactive installations, robotic art, telematics, videomapping, VJing, net art, game art, software art, algorithmic art, artificial intelligence and work with DNA or databases. The navigator is also a signpost, which includes an illustrated name index, which links links to pages in the book with other Internet resources (documentation of works, interviews with authors, their websites, databases, etc.) via QR codes.

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  • Number of pages: 263
  • Dimensions: 13x21
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9887-9