Nový občanský zákoník pohledem mezinárodních obchodních transakcí

The aim of this publiaction is to analyze the selected provision of the new Czech Civil Code from the point of view of the international business transactions. A contract with a cross-border element forms the core stone of interantional business law. The Czech Civil Code is one of the sources of regulation of international business transactions. It regulates all relevant issues of a contractual relationship from its formation to its termination. Due to its possible applicatibilty to the international business transactions, it is necessary to analyze its provision from the point of view of other sources. The aim of this publication is thus to offer the connection of the new Czech Civil Code to other sources, namely the CISG, UNIDROIT Priciples and PECL.

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  • Number of pages: 272
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-7491-0