Oborové didaktiky: vývoj – stav – perspektivy

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Title in English: Field didactics: review and prospects

Field didactics are scientific disciplines that focus on the domain-specific dimension of teaching and learning in and outside of school environment. They deal with a range of issues, from defining and justifying aims of teaching and learning in the specific field/subject, to legitimation and didactic transformation of content, and to methodical structuring of learning processes. A general issue in the Czech educational system is the fact that field didactics have not been systematically developed with adequate demands for a long period of time. Despite this they have grown into relatively independent scientific disciplines, as is evident in this book. The publication aims to give an overview of the development and state of the art of field didactics in the Czech Republic and discuss the prospects for their future.

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  • Number of pages: 0
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-7884-0