Od myšlenky k architektuře

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Title in English: From Idea to Architecture.

What happens before a work of architecture is actually built? How did architects formulate their ideas for the intended building in the past, and how do they do it today? Which media did/do they use, and to what extent did/do they determine the building’s final form? These and many other questions are addressed by the authors of the monograph “From Idea to Architecture”. The main topic in this the fourth volume of a book series on architectural theory is the “mental work” of architects, i.e., the process by which the architectural idea is translated into the real, material world, using various media. This distinctive process is not only explored in theoretical terms through the appropriate terminology, but it is also illustrated using specific examples created across the centuries. These examples also challenge the conventional notion that architects expressed their initial ideas exclusively through drawing (or sketching), as they also used other media in the preparatory phases of their work.

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  • Number of pages: 285
  • Dimensions: 16 × 20
  • ISBN: 978-80-280-0290-9