Od národopisu k evropské etnologii

Title in English: From Ethnography to European Ethnology. 70th Anniversary of the Institute of European Ethnology at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic)

The book presents the historical development of the Department of Ethnology in the context of the general development of the Faculty of Arts and Masaryk University. It discusses all spheres of activity – pedagogical, scientific, research and organizational, with an emphasis on the past decade, which was accompanied by generational exchange, but also a new social situation in the Czech Republic and Europe. It raised again the issues of ethnic and regional identity or multiculturalism, where new opportunities for research open for ethnology. The annexes in the publication cover the 2006–2016 diploma theses, scientific research projects, publications and an overview of student excursions and research fellowships of teachers. Each individual section is accompanied by visual material.

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  • Number of pages: 211
  • Dimensions: 17 × 24
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8488-9