Österreichische Archive: Geschichte und Gegenwart

Title in English: Austrian Archives: Past and Present.

Today’s Austria is a relatively small state. However, until 1918 Austria-Hungary was an important superpower. Therefore, due to their size and historical importance, Austrian archives are amongst the richest in Europe. This joint publication gives a brief overview over the past and present of the Austrian archives and looks in detail at 16 institutions: the four divisions of the Austrian State Archive as well as selected provincial, local, university, church and private archives. The authors of each chapter are or have been archivists of the mentioned archives. The book is addressed in particular to students of history and archival studies as well as professional historians and archivists from all of the successor states of the Austrian monarchy.


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  • Number of pages: 586
  • Dimensions: 16 × 23
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9466-6