Optimismus a jeho role v kontextu zdraví

Title in English: Optimism and Its Role in the Context of Health.

The monograph presents the current psychological constructs of optimism / pessimism and their role in the context of health and health-related behavior. The central topic is shaped by the question of whether optimism in the context of health brings benefits or is rather associated with risks. The publication integrates eleven empirical studies, most of which were conducted in four follow-up research projects supported by the Czech Grant Agency. Apart from the constructs of optimism / pessimism, it also examines other demographic and personality characteristics as psychological variables influencing health-related behaviors, which are today considered the strongest factor contributing to the health of the individual. The publication is intended primarily for the professional public; besides students and experts in the field of psychology, it also addresses other interested parties developing social sciences with interest in the issue of human health.


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  • Number of pages: 168
  • Dimensions: 16 × 23
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8951-8