Opuscula Historiae Artium (1/2017)
Ondřej Jakubec, The St. Moritz Cathedral in Kroměříž as a “Site of Remembrance”
of the Olomouc Bishopric of Karl von Liechtenstein-Castelcorn●
Barbara Balážová, Von den "Naturalia" zum "Theatrum Machinarum". Barocke Handsteine aus den mittelslowakischen Bergbaustädten ●
Michaela Šeferisová Loudová, Johann Georg Etgens and Dionysius Strauss. A New Look at the Baroque “Marat Icones” Sketch Book ● Lukáš Bártl, /History of the Amateur Photography Club in Olomouc ●
Milena Bartlová, Jaroslav Pešina 1938–1977. Four Decades of Political Strategies of a Czech Art