Opuscula Historiae Artium (2/2017)
Ivan Foletti - Sabina Rosenbergová, Holy Site, Place of Memory or Art Object? Some Considerations on Mont Saint-Michel in the '(très) longue durée' (708[?]-2017) ●
Petra Hečková, The Print Source for the Sculptural Decorations in the Flower Garden
in Kroměříž ●
Radmila Prchal Pavlíčková, Visual and Performative Elements in the Funeral Sermon for Karl II von
Liechtenstein-Castelcorno, Bishop of Olomouc, in the Church of Ss Peter
and Paul in Brno in 1695 ●
Marcela Rusinko, / ‘A Living Flower of the Spring’ or a New Concept? The Response
of Collectors to the Work of Adriena Šimotová in State-Socialist Czechoslovakia
between 1965 and 1980