Osobnosti moravských dějin (1)

Title in English: Personalities of Moravian history (1)

Historians and scholars of related fields present in this book the portraits of 31 personalities who were either born in Moravia and achieved extraordinary fame or, on the contrary, they came from elsewhere, but they were significantly connected to the history of Moravia. Among the great Moravian personalities who spent a considerable part of their life in Bohemia or abroad there are Jan Amos Komenský, František Palacký and Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk. On the other hand, personalities who came from aboard but were significant for the history of Moravia there are Archbishop Metoděj, Jindřich Zdík, Bruno from Schaumburk, Jan Železný, Franz von Dietrichstein, Alois Vojtěch Šembera or Adolf Stránský. Margrave Jošt, Tas from Boskovice, Ctibor Tovačovský from Cimburk, Karel Older of Zierotin, Egbert Belcredi, Tomáš Baťa, Antonín Cyril Stojan and Jan Šrámek were born in Moravia and also spent their lives there. Through the fates of these personalities, the glorious and shadowy aspects of the country's history are opened, and they also bring forth the pleasures and tribulations of the simple people. Each of the medallions was written by one author and he also included a piece of his perception of the world and his relationship with the Moravian country in addition to modern historical knowledge.

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  • Number of pages: 516
  • Dimensions: 16 × 23
  • ISBN: 80-86488-38-1