Plánovaná lesbická rodina

Title in English: Planned lesbian family: key aspects during transition to parenthood

The publication deals with an alternative family model in the society of today-family formed by a same-sex couple and their children. It is a current topic that has not been examined in a greater detail in the Czech professional context. The main research aim was to contribute to understanding of parenting experience of lesbian women who have decided to become parents within a same-sex relationship in planned lesbian families. In particular, it was to identify and examine the specifics of the transition to parenthood with a special regard to its partial aspects (key moments and events) of the decision-making process lining the couple's path to parenthood. Special attention was paid to recapturing the process of meanings constructions and its outcomes via which lesbian mothers describe and explain their own parenting experience.

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  • Number of pages: 250
  • Dimensions: 15 × 21
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-5013-6