Počátky latinské písemné kultury v českých zemích

Title in English: The Onset of the Latin Written Culture in the Bohemian Lands. The Oldest Latin Manuscripts and Fragments of Bohemia and Moravia

The monograph focuses the onset of the Latin written culture in Bohemia and Moravia, especially its sources. Its focus lies on the presentation of manuscript fragments of the early medieval era, which were usually excluded from the codicological discourse or marginalised; most of them are published for the first time. The intrusion of the Latin caroline script in the Bohemian lands is presented on the base of a complex palaeographical and codicological anlysis as a phenomenon, that accompanied the Latin trend of christianisation, which came into the central Danubian region from the ecclesiastical centres of Bavaria during the IXth Cent. From mid-11th century on, the preserved sources show an important transformation: the initial passivity (i. e. dependence of the Bohemian lands upon the import of books from other countries) is transforming into an active participation of Bohemia in the transcriptions of Latin texts. In this period the oldest identifiable scribe school in the Bohemian lands can be traced – the scriptorium in Břevnov monastery founded during the long abbotship of Meginhardus. The book includes coloured pictures of all relevant sources including diagrams visualising the codicological conclusions; codicological and palaeographical registers are added.


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  • Number of pages: 536
  • Dimensions: 22 × 22
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8918-1