Poruchy matematických schopností žáků s dyskalkulií a jejich vliv na řešení učebních úloh ve fyzice a v matematice

Title in English: Mathematical disabilities of pupils with dyscalculia and their impact on solving learning tasks in physics and in mathematics.

The monograph focuses on the mathematical disabilities of pupils with dyscalculia and their impact on the solving of learning tasks in physics was. Issues connected with dyscalculia are nowadays more and more frequently discussed. Difficulties arrising from this disability influence not only the teaching of mathematics, but also the teaching of other subjects, mainly the sciences, where mathematics is used, which has impact especially on the success of the pupils in physics or chemistry. For these reasons, our publication focuses on solving learning tasks in mathematics and physics by pupils with dyscalculia. The research combines two research methodologies: case studies and didactic tests in mathematics and physics. Using the case studies, we examined pupils with mathematical disabilities who took the didactic test in physics or in mathematics. The research confirmed that pupils with dyscalculia have some perception, cognitive, and motor skills deficiency, while each pupil with dyscalculia who took part in the research had deficiency of a different kinds of skills, in different intensity, and in different combination. Most often, pupils with dyscalculia had disabilities in the partial area of cognitive skills related to pre-number and number notions. Through the didactic tests in physics and mathematics, we judged the level of ability to solve a learning task in physics and in mathematics for pupils with dyscalculia as well as for pupils without dyscalculia. Pupils without specific learning disability achieved the best results, while pupils with dyscalculia achieved the worst results. It is obvious from the results that not only pupils with dyscalculia, but also pupils with specific learning disabilities encounter significant problems in physics and in mathematics. Our research results show the need to change approaches to pupils with dyscalculia and with specific learning difficulties in the teaching of mathematics and physics and the need for changes in diagnostic and re-education care.

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  • Number of pages: 189
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9091-0