Poznámky ke studiím nových médií

Title in English: Notes on new media studies

The book deals with new media studies – a wide, interdisciplinary meta-field of studies focused on social theory and research of what is commonly referred to as new media. A central goal of the book is to summarize historical and epistemological roots and developments of the meta-field and, consequently, to formulate a theoretically based concept of new media. The concept is conceived as a three-dimensional model derived from Anthony Giddens’ theory of structuration. The three mutually constitutive dimensions of the model include uses of new media (agency), and a techno-textual object and contexts (both playing roles of structures). Such notion of new media should serve as a non-reductionist explanatory framework enabling a theoretically settled, and holistic empirical analysis of new media as complex phenomena constituted on levels of object, social action and wider everyday contexts as well as cultural, political and economical milieu.

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  • Number of pages: 200
  • Dimensions: 14,8 x 21
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-6476-8