Pracovní podmínky ve školství s akcentem na odměňování

Title in English: Working Conditions in the Field of Education with Ephasis on Remuneration

Working conditions in the field of education are influenced by the specific purpose by the work performed. Even though, a very important feature that influences motivation of employees and, at the same time, quality of their work performed, is remuneration. It can be considered an essential reason for which an employee enters into a labor relationship. It cannot be forgotten that remuneration is a very important tool for employers. The Czech legal system does not involve a systematic legislation dealing with remuneration in public sector. The extent of the intervention of a public aspect with a private relationship (specifically with one of the fundamental labor relationships) is broadly discussed by legal theorist and practitioners. On top of that the topic of employees in the public educational system tends to be overlooked or discussed only superficially in legal publications. The ones existing already are usually intended as a practical guide for directors of schools. Such an approach is not an impediment, but it does not provide the reader with a complex insight in the topic. The aim of the text presented hereby is to analyze the legislation and to propose a closer insight in the issue of remuneration in the educational system.

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  • Number of pages: 130
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8425-4