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Title in English: A True, Faithful and Christian Truce… The Truce Agreements between the Hussites and Margrave Albert’s Party in South Moravia

This monograph addresses a hitherto neglected area in the history of the Hussite Wars – the truce agreements between the warring parties. It focuses on South Moravia, where an interesting collection of these agreements from 1427–1433 has been preserved. Attention is first of all focused on the form of these agreements, which are then placed within the wider context of Hussite history inside and outside of the region. An analysis of the truce agreements as a whole extends our knowledge of the political history of the Hussite era, provides information on the history of the everyday and expands our knowledge of the topography and prosopography of Hussite South Moravia. The book includes an edition of the documents under research, a clearly laid-out table, a map and an appendix of photographs.

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  • Number of pages: 155
  • Dimensions: 16 × 23
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8369-1