Profesní portfolio v přípravném vzdělávání učitelů mateřských škol a 1. stupně základních škol

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Title in English: Professional portfolio in pre-graduate education of pre-school and primary teachers.

The publication is a study text intended for students in Teacher for Primary Schools and Teacher for Kindergartens study programmes. Its aim is to present the professional portfolio as an important part and instrument of teacher professionalisation. The publication focuses on both the process and the product of the professional portfolio. It should help students to systematically record and reflect the process of becoming a teacher, promote individualisation and authenticity in the professionalisation process. Accent is put simultaneously on the role of portfolio in student teacher development and learning and on its use for assessment. The text will enable students to create their own portfolios which may be used e.g. as a material for their final state exam.

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  • Number of pages: 48
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9059-0