Průvodce rozvášněným Znojmem

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History – not only of Central Europe – was written against the unique panorama of Znojmo as we know it, for instance, from Kraví hora. Art monuments discussed in this guide were thus created in a close dialogue with the joys and sorrows of their time. It might seem to the uninitiated viewer that these are mute witnesses, but the opposite is true – each one of Znojmo's landmarks has a story to tell, often almost invisible, but all the more powerful. The chapters of this unconventional guide to the city are an attempt to introduce the reader not only to the artistic monuments, but also to the stories that took place within their walls. In addition, the individual buildings are not presented as separate "sights" but rather as organic parts of the whole. In our narrative, Znojmo becomes a real ecosystem in which artistic monuments have been linked to the stories of people – heroes as well as anonymous townspeople – who used them throughout the centuries. The aim of this book is to introduce the kind reader to Znojmo in a different way. We want the story of the town and its buildings entertain, move, and educate you.

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  • Number of pages: 152
  • Dimensions: 16x16
  • ISBN: 978-80-280-0099-8