Řečický děkanát a jeho klérus do roku 1436

The study of medieval church history includes the issues of church and parish networks, as well as research on parish clergy. Václav Nečada’s book studies these aspects using the example of the Červená Řečice deanery from the 12th century until the Hussite Wars. After describing the settlement process of the examined region, the author traces the formation of the church and parish network in the territory. In the next part of the book, he discusses in detail the parish clergy, their activities in parish administration, mobility and the careers of the clerics. Particular attention is paid to the possession of patronage rights to individual churches, the property background of parishes and the household of clerics, as well as the dissolution of Catholic church administration during the Hussite Wars. The book contains a detailed catalogue of individual churches, tables, maps and illustrations.

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  • Number of pages: 382
  • Dimensions: 16x23
  • ISBN: 978-80-280-0293-0