Římský kult boha Mithry

The cult of the originally Persian god Mithras, which spread throughout the Roman Empire in the first centuries CE, represents one of the most fascinating religions of the ancient world. The Atlas of Sites and Catalogue of Evidence is a systematic heuristic contribution to the study of this cult. It provides an up-to-date list of places associated with the worship of Mithras and briefly describes the sanctuaries and artefacts discovered at these sites. In addition to confirmed Mithraic evidence, it also includes monuments of questionable nature or finds that have been excluded as non-Mithraic in later research, thus updating the now largely outdated Vermaseren corpus of Mithraic evidence from the 1960s.

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  • Number of pages: 442
  • Dimensions: 21x30
  • ISBN: 978-80-280-0275-6