Rusko-česká ekvivalence propriálního lexika

Title in English: Equivalence of Proper Nouns in Russian and Czech

This monograph from the field of onomastics and translation studies brings a complex perspective on a somewhat neglected problem of the transfer of proper nouns between Czech and Russian (and, to some extent, also English and Russian). In the introduction, the author describes several methods of transfer of proper nouns, some of them picked from the existing literature, some introduced anew, and others modified. (Especially the rules of transcription from Czech to Russian were subjected to a critique and modified thoroughly.) Then she defines which method is most suitable for each category of proper nouns and text genres. The addenda include the most popular tables of transcription and transliteration. The book may be a useful tool to translators, Russian and Czech studies scholars, journalists, travel agents, and generally to everyone who works with texts from both languages.

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  • Number of pages: 208
  • Dimensions: 16 × 23
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8687-6