S genderem na trh

Title in English: To the market with gender. Educational strategies and decissions of 15years old students

The book explores the complexity of educational system, labour market and gender. The core of the book lies in a qualitative study among 15 years old Czech students - boys and girls - set within the context of contemporary research on the issues of educational choices, labour market strategies and its genderedness. The core question and goal of the study focused on decission making processes concerning secondary education and future paid work in the last year of the students elementary education. The research team analysed their expectations, dream schools and jobs, and choices really made, and also barriers in their paths and methods to overcome them. The research outputs are grounded in sociological theories accenting the complexity of social structure and the interactions of individual actors, as well as in feminist approaches stressing the need of social change towards a just and equal society.

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  • Number of pages: 220
  • Dimensions: 16 × 23
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-5297-0