Sebranice a jejich rychtář Ondřej Kanýz (1694–1761)
Title in English: Sebranice and their reeve Ondřej Kanýz (1694–1761): Village community and its culture in the 1st half of the 18th century
If you are interested in the way of life of a Moravian baroque village and if you wonder where the limits of understanding this life are, this book is for you. The book examines all accessible elements of the contemporary social-cultural system of the village including kinship, material culture, religion, and the worldview of the contemporary villagers.
Nevertheless the book does not only represent a treatise of historical village culture. It also examines an individual – concretely the reeve Ondřej Kanýz whose texts provide most information about the way of life of this Moravian village in baroque times.
- Binding: Paperback
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Subject: Ethnology, Philosophy, religion, Historical sciences
- Language: Czech
- Publication year: 2009
- Series: Ethnological studies
- Department: Faculty of Arts
- Number of pages: 289
- Dimensions: 16 × 23
- ISBN: 978-80-210-4966-6