Slovosledné změny v bulharských a srbských evangelních památkách z 12. a 13. století

Title in English: Word Order Changes in the Bulgarian and Serbian Church Slavonic Texts from 12th and 13th Century

This research is devoted to exploring the word order transformations in some Bulgarian and Serbian Church-Slavonic gospel transcriptions. The changes of the word order in these texts are registered like variants to an Old Church-Slavonic text (Codex Marianus) and to the Old Greek New Testament text. The publication discovers the principles on which the word order in the texts from 12.–13. century was organized and finds out some differences from the word order in Old Church-Slavonic language. It also focuses on the question of the occurance of some new, progressive tendencies and new, different word order models.

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  • Number of pages: 143
  • Dimensions: 16 × 23
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8338-7