Sňatek a rodina: zájem soukromý nebo veřejný?

Title in English: Marriage and Family: private or public matter?

Changes in marital and reproductive behaviour recorded in the Czech republic after 1990 indicate that we are witnessing growing plurality of lifestyles both in terms of partnership (nnmarried cohabitation, homosexual cohabitation and singles)and number of children (increase of childfree couples and one child families, decrease of two-children families with two parents). Majority of papers in this mograph are based on international comparative research entitled The Aceptance of Population-related Policies (PPA2) carried out in the CR in 2001. Aim of this research was to find out attitudes of adult populations towards demographic trends, to learn about motives for delayed marriages and parenthood and about perceived obstacles for having children. 

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  • Number of pages: 158
  • Dimensions: 17 × 24
  • ISBN: 80-86561-93-3