Sociální práce se seniory v kontextu kritické gerontologie

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This publication is a contribution to the debate on the possibilities to ensure the provision of social work services to older people in the context of demographic ageing of the Czech population. In the first part we discuss the functional potential and its assessment as a tool to adequately set the level of support for people whose self-sufficiency is limited. The problem of reduced self-sufficiency is regarded from the perspective of critical gerontology. The second part includes chapters dealing with practical possibilities to reduce the risks of socially constructed dependency, particularly the possibility for older people to remain in their usual environment. We will tackle the questions of support for home carers, of technological innovations and their significance for home care and of dying in the home environment. In the last part we discuss the potential of social work to help older people remain in their normal environment.

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  • Number of pages: 0
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-7865-9