Sociální reprodukce a integrace: ideály a meze
Title in English: Social reproduction and integration: ideals and limits
This publication is a selection of papers presented at the conference Social reproduction and integration: ideals and limits held by the Institute for research on social reproduction and integration of the Faculty of Social Studies in November 2006. Papers in the conference proceedings reflect the actual state of knowledge in the field of inquiry into social processes important for biological and social survival of the society in the Czech Republic. These themes are also topics of dynamic elaboration in the context of European sociology and other social sciences including applied disciplines (public and social politics, social work) - the solved problems are important in the European context as well. The selected papers are divided into five sections devoted to the problems of social mobility and stratification, the changing forms of family and new patterns of intimacy organization, education and labour market as mechanisms of social exclusion and social inclusion, the problems of social identities and migration and also the spatial aspects of social exclusion.
- Binding: Paperback
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Subject: Sociology
- Language: Czech, Slovak
- Publication year: 2007
- Department: International Institute of Political Science
- Number of pages: 324
- Dimensions: 14 × 20
- ISBN: 978-80-210-4439-5
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