Současné trendy hudebněteoretické výuky v základních uměleckých školách České republiky
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Title in English: Current Trends in Musical Theoretical Teaching in Basic Art Schools of the Czech Republic .
The monograph presents the results of musical educational research that was implemented by the Music Department at Faculty of Education of Masaryk University in 2018. The aim of the research was to capture the current state of music theoretical education in basic art schools in the Czech Republic. The accent was placed on searching of musical didactic methods, means, using modern multimedia technologies and knowledge of pupils.
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- Binding: E-book
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Subject: Pedagogy
- Language: Czech
- Publication year: 2018
- Colections (Books): Munispace
- Department: Faculty of Education
- Number of pages: 162
- ISBN: 978-80-210-9219-8