Spiritual-Religious Literature

The influence and importance of religion and Christian tradition in the specific cultural-geographical construction of Central Europe has become a significant impetus for the formation of national (self-) images. This book provides a reflection on spiritually and religiously oriented literary activities which have been used as a means of cultural homogenisation and cultural diversification. In an effort to draw public attention to the different ways of looking at literary images, clichés, national symbols and myths, the authors use the tools of comparative imagology. They take into account various significant non-literary circumstances and expand the discourse by analysis of cultural images of the Christian tradition as a means of cultural and national (self-)identification. Thus, the book contributes to an intercultural dialogue and offers valuable insights in the ongoing debate on the importance of the literary production of authors associated with religious-spiritual values in terms of creating (one’s) own cultural image.


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  • Number of pages: 112
  • Dimensions: 16x24
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9764-3