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Title in English: Administrative Law – general part.

This textbook is intended as a source for the study of "Administrative Law" for Master's Degree students at the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University, and it includes a comprehensive interpretation of the basic issues of administrative law, referring to its general part in the sense of the systematics of administrative law as a pedagogical discipline. The aim of this textbook is to provide an "introductory" interpretation of the issues of administrative law, including, in particular, a conceptual definition of administrative law and public administration, as well as the characteristics of the sources and norms of administrative law, the subjects and relations within administrative law, the foundations of administrative organization, the foundations of public administration and their forms, monitoring and other legal guarantees in public administration, as well as the characteristics of administrative liability and aspects of administrative punishment.

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  • Number of pages: 371
  • Dimensions: 14,8 × 21
  • ISBN: 978-80-280-0503-0