Správní vyhoštění s důrazem na správní uvážení a neurčité právní pojmy - logistical fee

Title in English: Administrative expulsion with emphasis on administrative discretion and uncertain legal terms.

The monograph focus on examining procedural and substantive law issues related to the administrative expulsion agenda. Administrative expulsion represents a significant administrative law institute, which is intended to prevent the stay of people who do not live legally in the Czech Republic. The monograph aims to gain a deeper insight into issues of administrative expulsion, with an emphasis on the issue of discretion and the interpretation of ambiguous legal terms. Not only the theoretical points, but also the practical procedures will be reflected, especially those that have been subject to review by the Czech or European courts.

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  • Number of pages: 196
  • Dimensions: 15 × 21
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9494-9