Statistická analýza sociálněvědních dat v R

The textbook tries to introduce students and researchers from the field of social sciences statistical analysis of data that come mainly from questionnaire surveys. R (freeware) is used for all calculations, especially through the so-called R Commander. In addition to an introduction to working with R and R commander, the book includes basic procedures for describing and editing data, and then basic analytical procedures in social science statistics, specifically t-tests, analysis of variance, correlation and regression analysis (including the logistic regression model). The book concludes with chapters on factor analysis and cluster analysis. The book is based on a successful textbook (by the same author team) dedicated to the statistical analysis of social science data in the SPSS environment.

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  • Number of pages: 491
  • Dimensions: 16x23
  • ISBN: 978-80-280-0150-6