Stokrát Antarktida - defect
The book offers one hundred questions and answers about Antarctica. In several sections, the authors, participants in Antarctic research, present the continent, the history of its discovery, and its geology, and address climatological issues and the effects of global warming in Antarctica. In the biological sciences sections, they discuss the animals, including microorganisms, and plants of Antarctica. The conclusion is dedicated to the Czech Antarctic research programme, interesting facts from the Czech J. G. Mendel station, information about its construction and operation since 2006, and about James Ross Island where it is located.
- Binding: Paperback
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Subject: Biology and life sciences, Natural science
- Language: Czech
- Publication year: 2022
- Series: Mezi žánry
- Department: Masaryk University Press
- Number of pages: 166
- Dimensions: 17x24
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