Studia Paedagogica (4/2021)
Kristin Vanlommel, Milan Pol: Editorial ● Ellen B. Mandinach, Jo Beth Jimerson: Data ethics in education: a theoretical, practical, and policy issue ● Jana Groß Ophoff, Christina Egger: Assessment of German and Austrian students' Educational Research Literacy: validation of a competency test based on cross-national comparisons ● Kristin Vanlommel, Elke Pepermans: Validation of the Teacher Decision-Making Inventory (TDMI): measuring data-based and intuitive dimensions in teachers' decision Process ● Gila Gutwirth, Evelyn Goffin, Jan Vanhoof: Sensemaking unraveled: how teachers process school performance feedback data ● Roos Van Gasse, Martine Mol: Student guidance decisions at team meetings: do teachers use data for rational decision making? ● Henning Fjørtoft, Elin Bø Morud: Assessment decision making in vocational education and training ● Venesser Fernandes: Exploring leadership influence within data-informed decision-making practices in Australian independent schools
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Language: Czech, English, Slovak
- Publication year: 2021
- Department: Faculty of Arts