Studia Paedagogica (4/2013)
Adam Lefstein, Mirit Israeli, Itay Pollak, Maya Bozo-Schwartz:
Investigating Dilemmas in Teaching: Towards a New Form
of Pedagogical Scholarship ●
Dana Kasperová:
Reflections on the Focus of Education in the Theresienstadt
Ghetto Based on Reports by Theresienstadt’s Educators ●
Michael Schratz, Johanna F. Schwarz, Tanja Westfall-Greiter:
Looking at Two Sides of the Same Coin: Phenomenologically
Oriented Vignette Research and Its Implications for Teaching
and Learning●
Martin Sedláček, Milan Pol, Lenka Hloušková,
Bohumíra Lazarová, Petr Novotný:
Internal Setting and Organisational Learning in Schools●
Kateřina Vlčková, Janek Berger, Manuel Völkle:
Classification Theories of Foreign Language Learning Strategies:
An Exploratory Analysis●