Stylistika češtiny

Title in English: Stylistics of the Czech Language

The textbook called Stylistics of the Czech Language that has been written by Eva Minářová represents the fundamental study material for lessons of stylistics of the contemporary Czech language. The book is intended for students of primary pedagogy in both daily and combined study programme at faculties of education. The study texts bring basic theory of stylistics in connection with the curriculum of other linguistic disciplines. The presented stylistic issue of communication via language outlines one of possible theories of differentiation of functional styles in Czech. The author of the textbook deals with primary and secondary styles and she provides their exposition. She explains the theory of markedness and unmarkedness of lingual and compositional expressional devices, she deals with different situational varieties, styles of spoken and written discourses, used stylistic techniques and stylistic formations of communication. With the study of stylistics, the cognizance of the contemporary Czech language is completed in its stylistically differentiated communicative function.

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  • Number of pages: 84
  • Dimensions: 21×30
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-4973-4