Sustainable Development and Conflicts of Interests in Nature Protection in Czechia, Poland and Slovakia

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The publication is a collective monograph written in English, the authors of which are environmental law experts from the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and Poland. The monograph will deal with legal issues related to nature conservation in development activities and other conflicts of interest in the use of land and will focus primarily on the following sub-themes: protection of nature and wildlife, protection of wild fauna and flora, protection of specially protected areas including NATURA 2000, nature protection and construction activities and other development activities, protection of nature in its use for recreational purposes, protection of the forest as a part of nature, protection of nature as a public interest and conflicts with other public interests, protection of nature from the negative effects of industry, agriculture and forestry, protection of nature and hunting, protection of individually growing trees and procedural aspects of nature conservation.

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  • Number of pages: 314
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8817-7