Tradice – proměny – identita

Lidový oděv a tanec na Valašsku jako zdroje inspirace

Title in English: Traditions – Transformations – Identity. Folk costume and dance in Wallachia as a source of inspiration

The ethnologist Eva Kuminková in her publication contributes to transdisciplinary discussion on evolution and transformations of folk culture. She focuses on processes, which despite all kinds of obstacles, historical and political twists, cultural and social changes allowed different elements of folk culture survive all the way to the 21st century. She uses folk costume and male dance odzemek from the ethnographic region of Wallachia in context of their development since the 19th century as case studies. The author strives to analyse the significance of these two elements in the process of formation of local and regional identity. She also studies the role of people, who are custodians of contemporary traditions, institutions and individuals, who have been contributing to understanding, safeguarding and transmission of this cultural heritage. In her conclusion she formulates universal preconditions which allow the above mentioned processes and explains to what extend folk culture can serve as a source of collective and personal identity of an individual.  

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  • Number of pages: 271
  • Dimensions: 17x24
  • Year of publication: 2021
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9962-3