Transnational Forms of Contemporary Neo-Nazi Activity in Europe from the Perspective of Czech Neo-Nazis

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The publication explores transnational forms of contemporary European neo-Nazism using the Czech neo-Nazi movement as an example, with a particular focus on how transnational forms of (European) neo-Nazism come into being. In terms of theory, it is based upon theory of social movements and the theory of social movement transnationalization developed by Sidney Tarrow. Concepts and methods used are taken from the field of social movement research. Using content analysis and the analysis of protest actions, the framing and repertoire of collective actions taken by Czech neo-Nazis is investigated in the transnational context. Transnationalization is monitored at three levels: the ideological, the conceptual and the pragmatic (with the latter comprising concrete events in public space). The transnational thematic framing of Czech neo-Nazism is identified in its relation to the chief framework of European neo-Nazism, the manner in which Czech neo-Nazis take part in collective actions conducted by the European neo-Nazi movement, transnational concepts which evoke a response within the Czech context and the individual types of transnational protest processes classified by Tarrow that are employed by Czech neo-Nazis.

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  • Number of pages: 199
  • Dimensions: 14,8 x 21
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-7148-3