Trendy v realizaci pohybove aktivity dětí mateřských škol a 1. stupně základních škol

Title in English: Trends in the realization of children's physical activity in kindergartens and the first grades of primary schools

The publication "Trends in the realization of children's physical activity in kindergartens and the first grades of primary schools" is designed as a textbook for teachers of primary and nursery schools. The publication contains updated information on the background, benefits, and trends in the implementation of various physical activities in the school and pre-school physical education. By various physical activities, the authors mean the basics of gymnastics, dance, martial arts and athletics. The textbook also contains a legislative framework for the safe implementation of physical activities in schools, the modern theory of the first aid and preventive recommendations, which should serve as a guide for teachers during the planning and implementation of physical activity.

FREE e-book
  • Number of pages: 0
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-7963-2