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Title in English: The Third City

The title of the conference “Third City” is inspired by the book by Gilles Lipovetsky “The Third Woman”. Lipovetsky presents three models of femininity: disrespected woman, glorified woman, and the third representation of woman still in formation and hence vague. The book “The Third City” offers an insight into the ordinary city, experienced on everyday basis, and thus created and reinterpreted, filled with human activities and relations. The authors of all chapters included in the book are interested in the contemporary city and its images and possible experiences. The emphasis on the experience of time/temporality and its possible theoretical and methodological grasping emerged as one of the most important themes of the studies on urban environment within the research on everyday urban social reality. The studying of temporality was particularly inspiring for those, who were engaged in the mobility and transport technologies. Reflecting time, however, is important in all the papers included into the volume, as we learn about the Third City because of its flow.

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  • Number of pages: 228
  • Dimensions: 13,5 × 20
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-5834-7