Ústav slavistiky


Title in English: The Institute of Slavonic Studies. Starting Points and Perspectives

The anniversary publication of the Department of Slavonic Studies, devoted to the centenary of the foundation of Masaryk University, is a synoptic outline of the history of the institute from the time it was established up to the present day and includes a brief analysis of its current state and perspectives for the future. This booklet, entitled Department of Slavonic Studies. Starting Points and Perspectives, contains altogether ten contributions written by members of the institute. It also includes a pictorial supplement which complements the text and refers to the principal personalities working at the institute and to the significant events of recent years.

The introductory study, written by the head of the institute Ivo Pospíšil, describes the foundation and development of Slavonic studies in Brno, the circumstances of its formation, and presents some outstanding Slavicists who shaped Slavonic studies at Masaryk University, for example, Sergii Vilinskii, Frank Wollman, Roman Jakobson, Radoslav Večerka, Roman Mrázek, Danuše Kšicová, Stanislav Žaža, Ivan Dorovský and others. The current orientation of the Seminary of East-Slavonic Languages and Literatures is introduced by Aleš Brandner. More about the methodological approach of Russian and Ukrainian studies in Brno can be found in the subsequent chapter by Ivo Pospíšil. Studies by Halyna Myronova and Petr Kalina analyze the history and current situation of Ukrainian studies at Masaryk University. Pavel Krejčí points out the importance of the place occupied by Balkan studies and South-Slavonic languages and literatures in the structure of the Institute of Slavonic Studies. History and the present day in the framework of researching of the history, culture and literature of South-Slavonic nations is evaluated by Václav Štěpánek. A concise historical outline of Slovak studies and the new position of the Serbian studies in Brno is summarized by Ivo Pospíšil. The history of the Brno institute’s Polish studies is described in greater detail by Roman Madecki. The closing study, written by Josef Šaur together with Ivo Pospíšil, records the orientation, perspectives and pitfalls of philological-area studies.


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  • Number of pages: 116
  • Dimensions: 17,6 × 25
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9286-0