Výkladový slovník řízení lidských zdrojů: koncepty, přístupy, nástroje
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Title in English: Human Resource Management Dictionary: Concepts, Approaches, Tools
The dictionary explains the basic concepts, approaches and tools used in human resource management practice and theories. It includes 235 terms selected according to their occurrence in scientific and professional literature. Each term is translated to English and defined on the basis of monographs, journal articles, handbooks, popularizing literature, or important websites. The dictionary creates a common terminology framework for researchers, students and human resources professionals, as well as for those who come into contact with the human resource management form managerial positions or from related scientific or professional disciplines.
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- Binding: E-book
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Subject: Economy. economics and management
- Language: Czech, English
- Publication year: 2017
- Colections (Books): Munispace
- Department: Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Number of pages: 255
- ISBN: 978-80-210-8863-4