Využití stakeholderského přístupu při strategické analýze podniku

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Title in English: The Use of Stakeholder Approach in Strategic Analysis

The goal of this publication is to propose procedure of stakeholder analysis as a tool of strategic analysis. The development and contemporary state of stakeholder theory are analyzed in the first part, than there are used empirical data to research factors of importance of generic stakeholder groups and finally this knowledge is used to suggest the stakeholder analysis procedure in such way, which would benefit the strategic analysis the most. The contribution of this work rests not only in the proposed concept, but also in the evaluation of stakeholder importance factors and in the way the potential factors were evaluated. There was used a self-learning method of statistical pattern recognition called sequential forward floating search on a 432 companies sampl

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  • Number of pages: 0
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-7743-0