Vztah české veřejnosti k přírodě a životnímu prostředí

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Title in English: The Relationship of the Czech Public toward Nature and the Enviroment. Representative Public Opinion Surveys

What is the relationship of the Czech public toward nature and the environment? How do Czechs approach nature conservation, air pollution or climate change for example? And what makes them different from most of the Europeans? This book provides answers to these and many other questions. It presents the most important results from the representative surveys and research dealing with the attitudes and behaviour of the Czech public in the environmental field. The summary of public opinion in individual areas of nature conservation and environmental protection is illustrated by infographics. The extensive overview is followed by a new representative research, which examines the Czechs' relationship toward nature and the environment, and presents how the views of Czech society are distributed in this area. It is complemented by a study of public opinion on the current issue of drought.

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  • Number of pages: 354
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8967-9