Z Trevisa do Brtnice / Da Treviso a Brtnice
Title in English: From Treviso to Brtnice. Stories of the Noble Family of Collalto Hidden in the Czech Archives (Exhibition Catalogue)
The exhibition “From Treviso to Brtnice” presents the fortunes of the Italian noble family of Collalto from the 10th century, when its ancestors became counts of Treviso, through the Late Middle Ages, when the dynasty's centre shifted to the rural lordships of Collalto and San Salvatore on the Piave River, to the Early Modern Age and the Collaltos’ success as condottieri on European battlefields. In 1623, Habsburg general Rambaldo XIII Collalto obtained the lordship of Brtnice, establishing a Moravian branch of the dynasty. The exhibition and catalogue present the family history through various documents preserved in the Moravian Provincial Archive in Brno and the State Regional Archive in Rokycany.
- Translation: Pieralli Andreas, Ripamonti Fabio, Ripamonti Eva
- Translated from the language: Czech
- Binding: Paperback
- Publisher: Masaryk University Press
- Subject: Historical sciences
- Language: Czech, Italian
- Department: Faculty of Arts
- Number of pages: 229
- Dimensions: 22 × 22
- ISBN: 978-80-210-9182-5