Žákovské strategie při učení se anglickému jazyku a jejich vztah k úspěšnosti

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Title in English: Learner strategies in English as a foreign language and their relation to achievement

The monograph presents research into learner strategies (above all language use strategies) in English as a foreign language at the end of compulsory education (ISCED2) in the Czech Republic. The strategy use declared by students was analysed in relation to indicators of their language achievement (KET tasks’ scores, grade in English etc.). Strategies and achievement were measured for the language skills listening, reading, speaking, and writing; and in the context of other variables, like learning motivation, learning styles or teacher´s strategy support. Mixed methods design combined questionnaires, knowledge test and written open statements about strategies used in tasks’ solving. The probability sample consisted of 462 students of the 9th grade of 16 schools.

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  • Number of pages: 479
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-7595-5