Zástavní listiny Zikmunda Lucemburského na církevní statky (1420–1437)

Title in English: The Deeds of Pledge of Sigismund of Luxembourg for the Church Estates (1420–1437)

In his monograph the author analyses the deeds of pledge of Sigismund of Luxembourg for the church estates as a tool of his financial policy in the Bohemian Kingdom. At first he introduces the available sources and also the up-to-date historical literature to the topic of the pledging of church estates and secularization. The main part of the book is the analysis of Sigismund´s deeds of pledge for the church estates in a chronological order. The next chapter contains two case studies about the pledging of the estates of Chotěšov and Zbraslav monasteries. The significant part is the catalogue with over 400 deeds of pledge and similar acts that are important for understanding the mechanism of the pledges of the church estates. At the end the edition of selected charters and sources follows.


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  • Number of pages: 302
  • Dimensions: 16 × 23
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8459-9