Železnice a evropská dopravní politika – ideje, strategie, nástroje a jejich aplikace

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Title in English: Railways and European Transport Policy – Ideas, strategies, tools and their applications

This monograph deals with the issue of the organization and regulation of transport systems and, above all, the rail transport segment, which is extremely complex in terms of planning, financing and regulation. The book concludes the monographic edition “Railway Reforms” as its 6th volume; the previous volumes addressed individual aspects of rail transport: modeling demand for transport and its prediction, regulating the competitive environment on the railways, specific stories of sectoral reforms in the UK and Germany, and economic appreciation of the liberalization of railway systems in Europe. This last volume is devoted to a comprehensive analysis and assessment of transport policy in relation to the railways in the countries of the European Union. Transport policy has a significant role to play in the economic policy of the European Union, national states, regions and cities, given the scarcity of natural resources and the growing demand for transport services, with fiscal, strategic, environmental and social goals being increasingly urgent. The entire book is divided into six chapters, which form closed units, are focused on a certain aspect of transport policy on the railway and are always concluded by a partial conclusion. At the same time, however, the chapters logically follow and complement each other, forming a whole, from which it is possible to derive overall conclusions and recommendations.

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  • Number of pages: 156
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-9100-9